The Studio Archives  

July 2012

The start of a new project:
a Calendar for 2014

Dolphin Sound
20" x 26"
artist-dyed fabrics, pieced and stretched on a wooden frame

Each summer since he was a kid, my husband would go with his family to spend a week or two at the Delaware seashore. This has turned into an annual event, and includes a large extended family group. I’ve been in on this for the last 15 years, and love swimming in the ocean!

This year, the weather was beastly hot, and the sea relatively calm, so I spent quite a bit of time floating on my back. For the first time (can’t believe I never heard them before!) I heard the clicks of dolphins. Under the water, there was an ever-changing tapestry of sound – each dolphin’s series of clicks a different pitch, changing in loudness and placement as it swam. I have no idea how far away the animals were, but the sounds gave me a sense of great space. I was reminded that I was sharing this enormous volume of water with millions of other creatures.

see August

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