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March 2013

THREE NEW QUILTS in the making

I've been working on several new quilts, and share pictures of these as they are now.

A few months ago, a former customer sent me a quilt she'd bought in the 1990s, which needed some repair. It was wonderful to see my old work again, and I realized I'd never made anything like it since. So I started on a new version of "Chess" (the name I'd given her long-ago quilt), and you can see the center of it at right. A detail is below.

I've also started work on another Strip Scrap quilt. This one is really rich and yummy so far!

The third quilt I'm working on is a new version of an older quilt called "Jewel Boxes". I used to make this (again, we're talking the 90s) with "jewels" of Indonesian batik. Now I'm using a piece of hand-dyed fabric with olive squiggles on an ombre background. Each jewel is surrounded by a calmer cool fabric, and then set in a lattice-work of a pretty spectacular hand-dye, shown below. On the right are some of the pieces assembled on my wall, to give an idea of the final look of the piece.

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